
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the determinism of dynamics, sectoral and socio-spatial orientation of the inclusive development of UTC and districts as rural-urban agglomerations. To achieve it, the task of defining the essence of the inclusive development of rural-urban agglomerations and its gradual deployment was formulated; characteristics of factors determining the dynamics and direction of inclusive development of rural-urban agglomerations; revealing the peculiarities of the manifestation of the determinism of the dynamics and orientation of inclusive development in certain types of these agglomeration formations. Methodology of research. In the process of research, the principle of interdisciplinarity was used to understand the essence of the reform of the territorial organization of society, systematic and synergistic approachs in identifying the relationship between the decentralization of public power and management in a community format, in the consolidation of districts and the creation of prerequisites for the formation of a common rural-urban inclusive environment, statistical and comparative methods, methods of analysis and synthesis regarding comparison of agrarian and industrial directions of development and of socio-spatial orientation of inclusive development of UTC and districts. Findings. Defined the essence and phasing of the deployment of the inclusive development of rural-urban agglomerations as a social process, which begins with involvement (the formation of UTC and of new districts, «mixed» in terms of the composition of settlements and their inhabitants), is continues with the overcoming of the second stage ‒ inclusivity (dynamic functioning within a single the space of communities and districts) and ends with the third stage ‒ of integration (combining joint efforts of rural and urban UTC and districts) with the aim of creating an environment of inclusion. It has been proven that, in view of their natural resource potential and population composition, rural UTCs have an inherent agrarian or agro-industrial sectoral and rural socio-spatial orientation of inclusive development. Urban and, to some extent, large township UTCs, having in their composition villages and the rural population are rural-urban agglomerations of rural-urban socio-spatial orientation and of sectoral agrarian, agro-industrial, industrial, service orientation of inclusive development. All districts are «mixed» in terms of the composition of communities, settlements and population, therefore they are distinguished by the appropriate sectoral and socio-spatial orientation of inclusive development. Nominally more likely to achieve full inclusion by overcoming all three stages of inclusive development are UTCs and districts whose administrative centers are large cities and, above all, regional centers. Practical value. The practical use of the proposed scientific provisions and recommendations of an applied nature will contribute to the post-war reconstruction and further development of rural-urban agglomerations on the basis of inclusiveness.

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