
In 2020, exports from Russia amounted to about 79 million tons of agricultural products and food worth $ 30.7 billion, which is 20% more than in 2019. By 2024, the volume of exports of agricultural products should grow to $ 45 billion, which indicates export opportunities and its prospects. The drought of the growing season of 2021, together with internal factors, caused a shortfall in crop production in the Republic of Tatarstan in the amount of about 43 billion rubles, and a 48% increase in the cost of grain led to a shortfall in profit in the amount of 3 billion rubles. Unfavorable external economic factors, imperfection of state regulation in terms of organizational and administrative nature, lead to a decrease in production efficiency, which could be observed on the example of the beet industry, manifested in an increase in prices for its final products in 2020. Studies have shown that under the same soil-climatic, economic conditions of management, the efficiency of grain production in the context of municipal districts of the Transcamian zone of the Republic of Tatarstan differed significantly (the average level of profitability for 3 years ranged from 13% to 24%). An analysis of the financial results of agricultural enterprises of the republic for 2015-2020 showed that four out of six years, agricultural producers, excluding subsidies from budgets, had a negative financial result, which necessitates an increase in government measures aimed at compensating for the loss of income to agricultural producers. In order to make more complete use of internal reserves, it is necessary to study and implement the technology and organization of production from commodity producers who, under the same soil and climatic conditions, show a high level of production efficiency. State executive authorities, represented by line ministries and departments, should take measures to stimulate production volumes, strengthen intervention measures in the market of agricultural products, raw materials and food, regulate imports and exports, and ensure price parity measures in agricultural industries

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