
The problem of the study. The article is devoted to the problems of the development of railway and road transport in Russia and their influence on the formation of the population of Russia in 2009-2018. First of all, territories are considered, depending on the intensity of migration and natural population growth, which are included in groups with different density of railways for 2018. Purpose of research. The key goal of the proposed study is to study and identify, on the basis of statistical data, the influence of the density of railway transport on migration processes and indicators of the natural movement of the population. Methodology and methods. The analysis was carried out in groups that unite territories with different density of railways and highways. And also by groups with different intensity of migration and natural population growth. Research results. The results of the study made it possible to establish: the development of the railway network in 2009-2018 was not active. During the period under review, the density of railways increased only in 16 territories of the country. In 53 territories, the situation with railways has not changed. A diametrically opposite situation has developed with the density of highways. That is, the development proceeded due to the increase in paved roads. Scientific novelty. As a result of the study, based on statistical data, it was revealed that most of the territories with a positive migration increase are included in the group with the highest density of railways. And most of the territories with positive natural growth are included in the group with low density of railways.

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