
Any historical figure whose biography includes the fact of being born or educated in a particular city is considered to become a kind of city symbol. For Saratov in the second half of the 20th century, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin has become such a symbol. And this is not surprising, because one of the most important events of the second half of the 20th century is the first manned flight into space, to which the above lines from the poem “Great News” by Saratov poet Isai Tobolsky are dedicated. Despite the universalization of the image of Yu. A. Gagarin, the city of Saratov becomes a landmark in the biography of the spaceman. Exactly here in Saratov the fateful landing place is located. Many iconic objects of worship and reverence appear in the city - not only the streets are named after him, but also the technical school where he studied. There are excursions to “Gagarin’s places”. The goal of this article is to find out how glorification at the regional level becomes the basis for the formation of the city’s image

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