
The use of information technology in medical practice radically changes the formulation, methods and means of solving most practical problems. The transition to modern information technologies provides new opportunities and improves the quality of service, reduces examination time, increases diagnostic accura-cy, etc. Purpose of the study. Extraction of information about the use of information technology for deci-sion support in medical diagnostics based on the analysis of publications in this field. Materials and meth-ods. For a formal representation of the process of structural-semantic analysis\ of information on the use of IT in medicine, a functional model was built in the IDEF0 notation. When conduc¬ting research in a spe-cific subject area, an analysis of known scientific results and practical solutions is required, for which scien-tific publications posted in various sources are used. There are platforms where information about such da-ta is collected, allowing to determine the quantitative indicators of the publication, their specific character-istics, etc. Semantic analysis tools were used to identify the dynamics of the appea¬rance of publications; to make comparative analysis of the effectiveness of various scientists and research organizations; to deter-mine publishing activity in the journal sector. To determine the features of publishing activity, an addition-al analysis was conducted by the analyst, who is a specialist in semantic analysis. Statistical analysis methods were used to process the collected information. Since a small amount of data has been collected, there is no need to use specialized analysis tools, and Excel tools were used to build charts. Results. The key characteristics of publications on the analyzed topic, the dynamics of the appearance of articles, the most active authors, scientific schools and the most popular journals in which the research results are published are identified. The results of extracting information about research in the field of IT use in cardiology from the most popular publications of active authors are presented. Conclusion. The analysis of publications based on the data of the elibrary.ru platform is a preliminary stage in the study of scientific texts on a se-lected research topic. For the future research, it is necessary to develop an information system to support researchers with complex indicators and data based on the analysis of scientific texts.

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