
Importance. The problem of health level of the young generation is considered. The aim of the work is to conduct research of heart rate variability to identify the influence of physical training on the students’ health. Research Methods. Students of 1–2 courses (158 people) of I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agricultural University took part in the experiment. The research methods are the study of parameters series related to the analysis of heart rhythm and the use of the Ruffier test. The research used a specially selected set of exercises, which both positively affects the health of students and allows to assess the indicators of interest. At each stage of health indicators assessment, different methods of physical culture are used: a special complex, Ruffier test exercises, game and competitive sports, as well as warm-up and relaxation exercises of the final part. Results and Discussion. At each stage, the differences of indicators between male and female are highlighted. The first stage measured the heart rate during physical training and at rest using a special health-improving complex of moderate intensity, taking into account the individual characteristics of students. Then the mode of heart rate variability and its amplitude in different situations are recorded. With the help of Ruffier test the level of students’ cardiac performance and the limits of the difference between the minimum and maximum values of intervals between the beginnings of two neighboring cardiac cycles are determined. These are evaluated when performing the complex “lying down recreation – squatting” – a complex specially designed for taking the Ruffier test. The autonomic nervous system is studied, in particular, the activity of sympathetic and parasympathetic departments in different states, the predominance of one department over another and their features. The most effective method of their study is determined to involve students in games of volleyball, badminton and inclusion of competitive exercises. The level of tension index of student youth is evaluated. Conclusion. General conclusions are made on research results, high influence of physical culture and sports on students’ heart work and their health in general is revealed.

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