
Relevance of the research work. In the faceof a direct threat of denationalization, loss ofstate independence and falling into the sphereof influence of another state, there was anurgent need for systematic measures aimed atstrengthening patriotic education ineducational institutions.The purpose of the study: to highlight thefeatures of patriotic education of highereducation students during physical educationclasses.Research methods: theoretical (method ofconceptual-comparative analysis, structuralsystemanalysis, synthesis, generalization);empirical (pedagogical observation).Results of the research. The analysis ofnormative documents and scientific workswhich cover features of patriotic education ofyouth is carried out. It is stated that the centersof national and patriotic education are thefamily and the educational institution. Thenecessity of more thorough study of the issueof patriotic education of higher educationstudents during physical education classes isargued. The content of the current curriculumof the discipline "Special Physical Training",which is taught in higher education institutionswith specific learning conditions, and outlinesthe role of each section in the patrioticeducation of future law enforcement officers.Conclusions. The necessity of introducingelements of national culture into practicalphysical training classes - Ukrainian folkmoving games, which provide for thedevelopment of basic physical abilities andjoin the experience of the moral life of theUkrainian people. The necessity of conducting classes in the native language has beendetermined, as it contributes to the growth ofthe national consciousness of the applicant,forms his dignity, high moral qualities of theUkrainian.

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