
Rocket engines on firm fuel are widely applied in the rocket and space-rocket technics. The case is the basic bearing element of the engine on firm fuel and carries out functions of the chamber of combustion, and also is the basic power element of the engine and simultaneously a part of a power design of the rocket. In the article on firm fuel of type "cocoon", mission and requirements the description of a design of the case of the rocket engine results in elements of a design of case rocket engines on firm fuel of type "cocoon". It is determined the applied materials and technology requirements to them. The choice of constructional materials for each separate element and knot depends on many factors and the requirements shown to a product. Properties of composite material substantially depend as on parity between binding and reinforcing components, and from parameters of the technological process of their manufacturing. It is determined a technological route of manufacturing of case rocket engines on firm fuel of type "cocoon". The technological route of manufacturing of any product appreciably depends on applied materials, manufacture type, presence of an industrial base, a design of a product, its form, technical requirements, etc. It is determined the manufacturing of an internal heat-shielding covering of case rocket engines on firm fuel of type "cocoon". It is determined the manufacturing internal heat-shielding covering of the bottoms forward, back and a cylindrical part of the case. The internal heat-shielding covering of the bottoms of case rocket engines on firm fuel of type "cocoon" represents a multilayered design with flanges, cuffs, jacks. In this connection manufacturing heat-shielding covering of the bottoms is spent separately. Before calculation heat-shielding covering of a cylindrical part on prepared mandrel covers (technological and a fixing layer), technological covers of the forward and back bottoms keep within consistently and also are established heat-shielding covering the forward and back bottoms. It is determined the manufacturing of a power cover of the case, a cover of communication and joint knots. Power cover and the cover of communication of the case make spirally-ring "wet" winding of the carbon fiber impregnated epoxy resin, on winding the machine tool. Forward and back knots of a joint of the case are made by a method of winding of layers of carbon fabric. Layers of a carbon fabric alternate with ring and spiral layers of a carbon fiber carrying out a role of consolidation of layers of carbon fabric and communication of forward and back knots of a joint.

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