
The determination of the influence of various e cological factors on the p roperties of the development of segetal vegetation in the cultural plants agrocenoses is important for the develop ment of the effective and environmentally friendly systems. From the standpoint of ecological safety of agroecosystems and the quality of agricultural products, modern agrotechnologies should be based on integrated methods of plant protection with the accounting of climate change, the rational use of chemical methods with minimal negative effect on the environment. It was established that under the conditions of the R ight- B ank F orest- S teppe in agrocenoses of grain crops (winter wheat, oats), 8 species of weeds prevail, which are arranged in a row in terms of population density: field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis (L.) Scop.), bedstraw (Galium aparine L.), manure weed (Chenopodium album L.), creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense ( L.) Scop.), quickweed (Galinsog parviflora Cav.), shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik.), amaranth (Amaranthus retroflexus L.), wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum L.). It was determined that with an excess of moisture ( MPCs 1.73, 1.76), the level of pollution by agrocenosis in the phase of spring tillering was on average 9 - 40 % higher than with strong and dry ( MPCs 0.52, 0.87; MPCs 0.15, 0.83). At an average level of weeds in crops, the insurance herbicide Prima is applied, s.e. (0.4 l/ha), Starana Premium 330 EU, e.c. (0.3 l/ha) and Granstar Pro 75, w.s.g. (20 g/ha) with the minimum recommended consumption rates, an increase in the yield of winter wheat by 25.4–27.3%, oats – by 25.9–27.2%. The technical efficiency of herbicides was at the level of 87.6–92.6%, and the economic efficiency was 26–27%. The use of these herbicides for a single treatment of crops in the phase of spring tillering can be recommended in the integrated protection system for winter wheat and oats in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe.

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