
The aim of the study of this article is to determine the social status and environment of Russian nationalists. The study is based on the relationship of social reality and ideology. The latter is not only a cover for or justification by certain social groups of their momentary interests (private ideology), but also a reflection of the social position that they occupy (total ideology). As a research method used a classical analysis of documents. The analysis was primarily carried out by publications of leaders of public associations, which, as it seems, are a marker of groups occupying counter-elite social and political positions. The social status and environment of representatives of Russian nationalist associations in the Russian Federation is determined. In particular, it was found that the only significant resource for nationalists is ideological, which they seek to convert into electoral support. In addition to the indicated, apparently, they have at their disposal a certain amount of educational and qualification resource. The economic resource available to Russian nationalists allows us not to think about “daily bread,” but it makes it possible to use it to increase our social status. It seems that nationalism is the lot of relatively closed social groups, mainly residents of large cities. Free ideological niche formed after the collapse of the USSR; loss of previous social status; the system of economic and socio-political relations of modern Russia, which provides little chance for those who intend to carry out an upward social movement other than by seizing political power, have become the reasons for the choice of the ideology of nationalism by the indicated social groups.

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