
Purpose: to study the efficiency of cultivation of the variety Premier peas on ordinary chernozem, depending on mineral fertilizers and seed sowing rates. Materials and methods. The experience was laid on the fields of the Department of Agriculture and Crop Production of Federal Rostov Agricultural Research Centre. The objects of research are the elements of pea productivity, yield and protein content in grain, depending on the fertilizers applied and the seeding rate. Statistical analysis of data, records and observations were carried out according to the method of B. A. Dospekhov. Results. The sowing rate influences the el-ements of pea productivity. An increase in the rate to 1.2 million seeds/ha leads to a signifi-cant reduction in the number of formed beans, the number of seeds in a bean, and a decrease in grain weight. Fertilizers did not have a significant effect on the elements of productivity. The introduction of phosphorus and potash fertilizers leads to a significant increase in the yield of peas. The combined application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium leads to a sig-nificant increase in yield when sown 1.0 and 1.2 million seeds/ha. Nitrogen fertilizers do not have a significant impact on the yield of peas. The fertilizers application helps to increase the protein content in the grain. The maximum was obtained in the N₆₀ variant, amounting to 24.8 %. The responsiveness of peas to introduced fertilizers depends on the seeding rate. At the optimal rate of 1.2 million seeds/ha, the highest payback was obtained in the variant with the introduction of 20 kg of a. i. phosphorus and potassium, amounting to 7.7 kg/kg a. i. Conclusions. The best results were obtained when sowing 1.2 million seeds/ha, which pro-vides an opportunity to get the highest conditional net income with high profitability of pro-duction. The maximum conditional net income of 41.7 thousand rubles/ha was observed in the option P₄₀K₄₀, while the profitability of production was 139.39 %, the cost of production was 12.5 thousand rubles/t.

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