
This article considers the features of accounting for inter-market interactions of subjects in marketing strategic management of the development of the pharmaceutical industry. It is established that functionally, organizationally, technologically and marketing-oriented pharmaceutical market is closely connected with the processes of changes and functioning of subjects of related markets of the national economy. Theoretical research indicates the spread and application of systematic, integration, industry, situational, behavioural and marketing approaches to strategic management of an industry or its subjects today. It is proved that the strategic directions of development of the pharmaceutical market can be integration into the global market environment, access to cheap financial and investment resources, export of high-tech products, integration with related industries and their subjects. And the priority is the following marketing management development strategies, namely stabilization, intensive growth, integration development, diversification development, selectivity, market penetration, market development, followers and niches, differentiation, focus (concentration), service and image differentiation, and others depending on the type of products in this market. The formation and implementation of management development strategies should take into account trends in market functioning, economic relations, inter-market interactions of subjects, the level of cooperation and competition in relation to market subjects or related markets for the pharmaceutical industry: healthcare, spa, cosmetics, food, trade and physical culture and sports. The analytical study showed the differentiation of pharmaceutical products simultaneously in several markets, which explains the complexity of established economic relations and interactions for subjects of such markets, the diversity of such interactions, differentiation in terms of conditions, forms and methods of interaction of subjects of such markets. It is proved that the targets and directions of development of the pharmaceutical industry should be consistent with the capabilities and provision of all participants in market processes. Features of inter-market interactions of subjects are also manifested by the applied development strategies and marketing functional strategies of individual subjects of the pharmaceutical and related markets.

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