
Four European and national conceptions for identification of landscapes’ anthropization extent were considered and differentiated. The mentioned conceptions are conceptions of archiretrospective (naturalness), sozological-idealized (wilderness), actual-potential (hemeroby) and geoecological-naturemanagement analysis. Landscape anthropization is a process of their transformation through anthropogenic impact with specific intensity and consequences of this process, as a result it can be identified existence geosystems with different anthropization level. Alongside, conceptual bases and procedure of anthropization extent’ analysis for Ukrainian landscapes were covered. The procedure is interoperable for all-European and Ukrainian approaches and consists of four components: common-matter, parametric, logic-mathematical and verification implementation component. It embodies scheme and scales of landscapes’ anthropization extent depending on anthropogenic impact’ extent of land use and land cover systems. This impact is specified by corresponding degrees of hemeroby, impact intensity, geoecological favourableness and naturalness of indicated systems. The scale of geoecological situation in land use was also developed. Means were defined for verification and implementation of the procedure concerning landscape aggregations within the territory of Ukraine. Up-to-date and potential geoinformation basis, including GIS technology, satellite imageries, and geospatial web services, was investigated for examination of land covers and land use systems, for cartographic visualization and quantitative data obtaining of the landscape anthropization extent. The possibility of the practical verification and application of this procedure for landscape aggregations within the territory of Ukraine was revealed to determine the state and resilience of geosystems to anthropogenic pressure. Newly represented interoperable procedure will give opportunity to make more rational management decisions in evaluating potential and existing geoecological risks, in defining impact limits, permissible pressure on landscape or natural complexes. This is necessary to ensure sustainable environmental management, territory rational organization, optimal landscape planning and monitoring of anthropogenic activity.

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