
Information is an integral part of the modern society, the pace of which is accelerating and leading to an increase in the information needs of mankind. In turn, the latest information technologies contribute to the formation of a new, democratic style of social relations based on a dialogue between political forces and civil society, in which Internet technologies occupy a leading position and at the same time complement the instrumental arsenal of political technologies, in particular, on such an advanced issue as the formation of public opinion. It is noted that the community is increasingly paying attention to the development of democracy and civil society at the present stage, which contributes to the growth of public opinion in the modus of interrelation «government-citizens». The place and role of the phenomenon under study in the information and communication infrastructure of a new social formation formed by the accelerating pace of development of informatization and communication are analyzed. The author characterizes a wide range of progressive capabilities of network technologies as an effective means of political technologies in ensuring the achievement of policy goals. At the same time, it is emphasized the negative aspects of the use of digital tools associated with the realization of destructive motives in the form of manipulation, information network wars and other destructive operations, in accordance with the ways and forms of their operation within the practice of certain countries, social groups and individual representatives. The specifics of the use of Internet technologies in the processes of forming public opinion are considered on the basis of Germany’s practical experience in this area. The author shows that in countries with developed democracies there is an interrelation between political events in the country and public opinion, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the importance of bilateral communication between the government and citizens in the political sphere and its impact on political processes.

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