
Enteral insufficiency syndrome in acute intestinal obstruction leads to a violation of the motor evacuation, secretory, digesting, absorbing, endocrine, immune, metabolic and barrier functions of the intestine. The accumulation of intestinal contents contributes to an increase in intracavitary pressure (compartment syndrome), violation of intramural hemocirculation, the development of interstitial edema, colonization and translocation of microbacteria. Nasointestinal intubation restores the evacuation function of the intestine, frees it from its contents, reduces pressure in the intestinal cavity, relieving microcirculatory disorders in the intestinal wall. In the future, the patient is prescribed enteral nutrition, selective intestinal decontamination and enterosorption are carried out. To restore the motor-evacuation function of the intestine, various types of electrical stimulation are successfully used. Thus, early diagnosis and timely correction of enteral insufficiency syndrome prevents the progression of multiple organ failure in acute intestinal obstruction.

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