
Monumental and museum work in Ukraine in 1960-1970's of XX century. characterized by a wave of mass interest in Ukrainian culture and the spread of the progressive idea of creating ethnographic museums of a new type – open-air museums, commonly called scans. The first such museum in Ukraine was the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life in the Middle Dnieper region in Pereyasla, Kyiv region, which is one of the richest treasures of original folk architecture and life of the inhabitants of the Dnieper villages of the 19 th – beginning оf the 20 th. The museum is a part of National historical and ethnographic reserve «Pereyaslav». This project had no precedents in Ukraine, so the path to the realization of this idea was difficult and long. Foreign experience in creating open-air ethnographic exhibitions was especially useful, as the museum practice of Ukraine still lacked theoretical knowledge, polished methodology, clear principles of museum studies, international standards, and good work experience. The approaches of Pereyaslav museums to this new, methodically and practically not developed business, were creative and original. The experience of its founders was useful for creating other museums of folk architecture and life in Ukraine. The article examines the history of the Pereyaslav scansen. Different conceptual approaches of its founders are analyzed. The proposed article deals, first of all, with the scientific controversy between the director of the Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Historical Museum M.I. Sikorsky and public figure E.F. Ishchenko regarding the definition of the type of museum, its name, thematic structure, exposition content, landscaping and other issues. Scientific discourse also had its positive sides. The controversy that arose between the founders allowed both sides to consider true, logical ideas in the theory of each of them. Scientific discourse also had its positive sides. The controversy that arose between the founders allowed both sides to consider true, logical ideas in the theory of each of them.

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