
Significance. Nursing staff play an important role in health care delivery. Specialists with secondary medical education provide "independent" medical care at rural health posts and stations (departments) of emergency medical care. Consequently, the density of such staff affects both the care availability and quality, substantiating the relevance of the study of staffing of health facilities with nurses. The purpose of the study. To analyze dynamics in the number of nurses in health facilities of the Russian Federation in 2018-2022. Material and methods. Statistical materials "Resources and activities of medical organizations" on the number of nursing staff in health facilities in the Russian Federation, federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the period from 2018 to 2022 were used. When calculating indicators, methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation were used. Analytical and statistical methods were used in the research process. Calculations were performed using Excel 2019 spreadsheets. Results. The results of the analysis of the number of nurses for the last five years show a 6.5% decline. In the Russian Federation, there are significant territorial differences in the number of nursing staff per population (per 10,000 population), which can be traced throughout the entire period under study. It has been revealed that the average age of nurses in the country as a whole equals to 42.62 years. Conclusion. A study on key indicators characterizing the staffing level has shown that the number of nursing staff in the country as a whole in 2022 decreased by 6.5% compared to 2018. However, 34 constituent entities of the Russian Federation report the value of 90.0 or higher per 10,000 population, which is optimal. The indicator of staffing of full-time positions with individuals decreased to 71.5%, with a secondary employment ratio of 1.3. Analysis of dynamics of the average age of nursing staff over a five-year period showed a 0.93 year increase. Scope of application. The study results can be of interest to health officials, practitioners, residents and graduate students of medical universities.

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