
The research paper analyzes the influence of cinema on the process of forming a linguistic personality, its supporting effect in the practice of pedagogical education. Literary and musical works, theatrical productions, visual and photographic art are integrated into a film, complement each other and enhance their impact on a person. In addition to an entertainment function, cinema performs two more important functions: on the one hand, it educates the viewer and promotes actual ideological principles and dominant values of the society, and it quite objectively reflects the state and problems of the society. The first function, if we are speaking about films whose subject is the school, and the focus group is teachers and students, can be called pedagogical, since it reflects the relationship and mutual influence of cinema and school, and the second function is actualizing. Cinematic works popularize a certain behavior and a specific ideology. Due to their influence on young people, works of cinematic art can contribute to the spread of moral behavior, or, on the contrary, promote deviant behavior as a norm. Representatives of the older generation face a difficult task, i.e. to instill moral and ethical norms and values to the younger generation. During periods of rapid changes in a society, the pedagogical and actualizing functions are in contradiction with each other, since the ideology and the moral and pedagogical norms have not changed yet, but the structure of dominant cultural values has already been violated. In this case, in order to achieve the desired pedagogical effect from watching the film, further efforts are required from the teacher to clarify and discuss the problems raised in the film. The authors’ conclusion is that films of the 1986-1990 period, on the one hand, educate the viewer, and on the other, reflect the state and problems of the society, and here we can talk about a hidden educational effect, since the viewer himself must answer the question, whether it is right to do so or not. During the research it was revealed that such values as responsibility / independence, personal formation, selfdevelopment, openness to dialogue, purposefulness, appeal to reason (and not to feelings) are clearly formed in the films produced in 1986-1990.

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