
INTRODUCTION: The general problem of ankle joint replacement is characterized primarily by the continuing compliance of the majority of orthopedic traumatologists to the surgical treatment of the ankle area arthrodesis as the ‘gold standard’ for the treatment of patients with crusarthrosis. This is explained by the surgical tradition, insufficient awareness of the professional community about the achievements concerning the technical characteristics of modern endoprostheses and the results of their use. The search and analysis of scientific literary sources were carried out in the PubMed and eLibrary databases. The search depth is 50 years. Due to the accumulation and the necessity to analyze a significant amount of information on the topic, the article is divided into 2 parts. The analysis of domestic trends in ankle arthroplasty and the reasons for their failures is carried out. CONCLUSION: For many years, in the treatment of late stages of degenerative and dystrophic diseases of the ankle joint, as well as traumatic injuries, preference to arthrodesiswas given. However, this surgical procedurehas its disadvantages and complications, some of which worsen in the future. Similar to other joints, the search for technical solutions for ankle arthroplasty began. Most of the founddomestic publications on development of varying technical innovations and approaches are characterized by a lack of clinical data and results. Thus, the article reflects the difficulties of switching to organ-preserving level of interventions in regards to the ankle joint, namely, joint replacement.

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