
In the article the urgency of preservation of the Russian language in the former Soviet Union who became members of the CIS, the scientific and educational sphere. The authors point to the decrease in the sphere of influence of the Russian language in neighboring countries due to the trends of globalization and expansion of the English-speaking scientific and educational environment. At the same time, due to traditions and the presence of stable ties between representatives of the University environment, the Russian language continues to play a significant role in the system of scientific communications of certain CIS countries and in some of them is used as a basic language. Special attention is paid to the training of highly qualified personnel in the Russian language in the CIS and submissions for the degree of candidates and doctors of Sciences as well as issues of training in postgraduate study and doctoral studies and thesis in Russian universities, representatives of scientific and educational community of the CIS countries. The paper presents the results of a survey conducted among the teaching staff of the CIS countries on the issues of the degree of presence of the Russian language in scientific-educational sphere. The paper assesses the degree of presence of the Russian language in scientific communications in the CIS in the following areas: publication of scientific articles, organization and conduct of scientific and technical activities, R&D. Results of survey showed the existence of an interest in expanding scientific collaborations in various areas with Russian universities, which is one of the areas of promotion of the Russian language in the CIS.

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