
Aim. To present the case report of orbital tumor in patient with chronic hepatitis C with systemic manifestations, diagnostic and treatment approaches in such patients. Material and methods. We describe a clinical case of 48 y.o. female patient complaining of right-sided upper eyelid swelling and ptosis. According to MRI an orbital tumor was previously visualized in the location of right lacrimal gland. It was known, that the patient suffers from HCV infection since 1992. She was prescribed local and systemic immunosuppressive treatment with a positive effect, however due to hemorrhagic vasculitis development and eyelid swelling recurrence 2 weeks later she was admitted to the hospital. In diagnostic purpose the orbital tumor was surgically excised followed by morphological and immunohistochemical investigation. Results. A differential diagnosis between chronic dacryoadenitis, lymphoid tissue hyperplasia (due to longstanding antigene stimulation (MALT – tissue) and marginal lymphoma (MALT – lymphoma) was performed. Immunohistochemical staining and PET – CT failed to confirm the lymphoproliferative disease. However, in 1 year due to tumor recurrence, repeated biopsy followed by previously described analyses confirmed extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (MALT – lymphoma). Repeated PET-CT showed metabolic activity in the right orbit and in the location of paraesophageal lymph node. The patient received polychemotherapy inducting lymphoma remission. Conclusion. Current clinical case shows that differential diagnosis of orbital tumors in patients with chronic hepatitis C should include lymphoproliferative diseases. Key words: orbit neoplasm, dacryoadenitis, lymphoma, chronic viral hepatitis C.

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