
Object and purpose of research. The study addresses the technogenic underwater noise issues with a view to environmental and competitive challenges, as well as the Navy interests. Materials and methods. The issues studied in this investigation are relatively new for the Russian shipbuilding, shipping and marine activities, and the first step to systematic studies should be formulation of a technogenic noise problem as a physical phenomenon, which have to be considered in the state marine and transportation policy. The paper uses results of design studies performed in Krylov State research Centre, as well as information from mass media. The main sources of the technogenic underwater noise are coastal industries and port infrastructure, marine oil & gas structures, transport and ice-breaking vessels. Main results. It is concluded that a special-purpose integrated target program should be formulated and performed, whose result would be systematization of research and design projects aimed at the analysis, regulation and standardization of technogenic underwater noise parameters of various marine technologies. Conclusion. Technogenic underwater noise is directly related to the safety of marine ecosystems. In addition, it is a factor of commercial and large-scale economic competition in the international community. In future the technogenic underwater noise of marine facilities may become an instrument of competition for the opportunity and right to exploit Russian oil & gas deposits, as well as to use Russian Arctic routes. Against the backdrop of these two factors, the Navy interests are obviously to raise the efficiency of fixed and mobile sonar systems in the environment of high technogenic noise produced by civil marine activities.

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