
To solve the problem of providing livestock with balanced feed, it is necessary to introduce into production the cultivation of leguminous crops that effectively use the bioclimatic potential of the zone. The aim of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness of pre-sowing seed treatment in the formation of agrocenoses of narrow-leaved lupine. The study was carried out in 2020-2022 on the experimental field of the educational, scientific and industrial complex "Agrotechnopark" of the Udmurt State Agrarian University in accordance with generally accepted methods and guidelines. The soil of the experimental plots is soddy-podzolic medium loamy with low and medium content of humus (1,8–2,3 %), mobile phosphorus - high (193-282 mg/kg), mobile potassium - high and very high (200-272 mg/kg ). The exchange acidity of the soil is from medium acid to close to neutral reaction (5,0-5,6). Be-fore sowing, the seeds were treated with the inoculant Rizotorfin (Rhizobium lupine) (1 l/t), plant growth regulator Melafen (5 ml/t), complex fertilizer Agree's Forsage (2 l/t), fungicide Maxim XL (0,4 l/t), complex fertilizer Agree's Forsage together with plant growth regulator Melafen, fungicide Maxim XL together with plant growth regulator Melafen, fungicide Maxim XL together with complex fertilizer Agree's Forsage. The untreated variant was taken as a control. The seeding rate is 1.0 million, 1.2 million, 1,4 million. Based on the experimental data obtained, the efficiency of pre-sowing seed treatment, which can be recommended to agricultural production to increase the productivity of narrow-leaved lupine, was revealed. Formation of the highest yield of narrow-leaved lupine 1,54-1.62 t/ha was obtained when pre-sowing seed treatment with complex fertilizer Agree's Forsage and its joint use with plant growth regulator Melafen and fungicide Maxim XL. The effectiveness of pre-sowing seed treatment is confirmed by a weak relationship between grain yield and root rot (r = -0,08±0,10). Keywords: NARROW-LEAVED LUPIN, PRE-SOWING TREATMENT OF SEEDS, SEEDING RATE, ROOT ROT, YIELD

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