
The article outlines the main lexemes with ethnocultural marking, used in the historical epic Ivan Ohiienko «Our fi ght for statehood». The idioms, presented in the analyzed text fragments, which contain an ethnonational component in their structure, directly refl ect the worldview and thinking of Ukrainians. Ivan Ohiienko, researching the history of the formation of the Ukrainian state, very aptly emphasized the features of Ukrainians as bearers of national culture, which contained connections with vari-ous spheres – thinking, worldview, worldview, world understanding, speech, cultural interpretation etc. These deep structures of human intellectual activity in their interre-lationships created a unique code of national culture of Ukrainians who defended and continue to defend Ukrainian independence all their lives. In the historical epic of the epic, Ivan Ohiienko not by chance uses lexemes to denote objects of spiritual national culture, covering the national, religious, partly mythological and territorial-geographic sphere. One of the central markers in the work is the lexeme Ukraine, which, accord-ing to the author’s beliefs, is a personifi ed component of the ethno-cultural space of Ukrainians. The evaluative meanings used to characterize the indicated lexeme are mostly negative (burns, cries, dies, burns, trembles, freezes). The description of the basic ethnocultural phytonyms (willow, viburnum, poplar, oak) used in the work tes-tify to the mythopoetic worldview of Ukrainians. A number of used toponyms (for example, Kyiv, Lubenshchyna, Volyn, Novgorod, Berestechko, Lviv, Rohatyn etc.) are representatives of the geographical location in the work. The inseparable connection with the Motherland is presented through the description of symbols – objects of a certain territory – hydronyms (Dnipro, Dniester, Black Sea, etc.). Considerable atten-tion in the work is devoted to the religious and spiritual sphere, which is represented through the use of lexemes church, God, metropolitan priest, Cross, image etc. In gen-eral, the meaning fi eld of the epic is ethno-cultural dominants broad and multifaceted, since such lexemes are in the verbal plane implement various types of interaction of Ukrainians in society at the level of comprehension and assimilation of cultural herit-age of previous generations

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