
The expansion of genetic diversity based on spring-winter and-winter-spring hybrids reveals the possibilities of obtaining genotypes most adapted to unfavorable environmental factors in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, which is especially important in the crop breeding. The aim of the study was to create new initial material of bread spring wheat when using crosses of samples with different growth habit. The researches were conducted during 2007–2016 at spring wheat breeding laboratory of the V.M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS of Ukraine. Hybrid combinations, lines and varieties were the material for researches. The selection of components for cross-breeding was conducted according to the ecological-geographical principle within the species of Triticum aestivum L. in order to further creation a broad genetic diversity in generations of hybrids. For hybridization, varieties and lines of Myronivka breeding and other breeding establishments with high biological productivity potential and high adaptive ability in the local conditions were used. The advantage of pair crosses was found, the part of variation of them in different years ranged from 64.7 % to 100 %. It is determined that in the simple F 1 hybrids the spring growth habit is dominant. Splitting into spring and winter forms in F 3 –F 4 was observed in 3–58 % of individual selections depending on the origin. Isolated cases of winter forms were observed in F 5 , usually in samples that have not yet stabilized. In subsequent generations, the appearance of winter forms was not observed . The number of genetic forms selected in breeding nurseries, when using bread winter wheat in spring wheat, breeding depended on breeding value of each combination. In a competitive trial, a series of lines created from cross-breeding of samples of bread wheat with different growth habit are being studied. It is established that the number of lines created by the type of spring / winter is dominated over the type of winter / spring, and among the new varieties created by this method, all were obtained by the type of crossing the spring / winter. Probably, the use of spring forms for the parent component in crossbreeding with the winter ones provides faster obtaining samples with economically valuable features. At the same time, in the reciprocal type of interbreeding, the formation process proceeds more deeply and continues in a number of generations, which extends the duration of breeding work. High productive, resistant to lodging and basic fungal diseases, with good bread-baking grain quality spring wheat lines Erythrospermum 15–41, Erythrospermum 15–01, Erythrospermum 15–02, Erythospermum 14–65, Lutescens 12–48, etc. were distinguished, which indicates the prospects of using winter forms in spring wheat breeding. Based on crossing of bread wheat varieties with different growth habit, the varieties of bread spring wheat Simkoda мyronivska, MIP Zlata, Dubravka, MIP Svitlana have been developed which are included in the State Register of Plant Varieties, Suitable for Dissemination inUkraine, as well as the variety MIP Dana that is submitted on the State variety testing. Thus, the varieties and various source material of bread spring wheat has been created which was involved in breeding process of the spring wheat breeding laboratory of MIW which provide a broad formative process in subsequent generations.

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