
The article analyzes the current state of implementation of effective mechanisms of legal support for the rational use and conservation of water resources in Ukraine, taking into account the requirements established by international and European standards. In order to achieve this goal, the EU's legal experience in the environmental field has been explored. It is established that the foundations of bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the field of environment are determined first of all by the Association Agreement 2014. In order to practically fulfill the tasks of adaptation of the legislation of Ukraine to the EU legislation, a number of normative legal acts aimed at organizational – legal support of this process. It is determined that among the global environmental problems of today, some of the most urgent are the problems in the use and conservation of water resources, the immediate solution of which depends on the further life and health of man. According to the sector «Water Quality and Water Management, including the Marine Environment» of the National Strategy for Approximation (Approximation) of EU Laws to Environmental Law, our country must first adapt national legislation in accordance with Directive 2000/60/EC Water Policy Communities – Water Framework Directive. The study found that Ukraine is actively involved in the implementation of EU water legislation. The water legislation of our country is sufficiently branched and developed. Keywords: water resources, use and conservation of water resources, EU law, water law of Ukraine, implementation, adaptation

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