
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to analyze the design features and parameters of grinding knives to compare the intensity of loss of cutting ability of each of the models of knives depending on the load cycles. Methods and materials. Conduct an analytical inspection and instrumental studies of the blades of grinding rollers type KR with different design features. Carry out bench accelerated tests based on the cyclic impact load of the knife fragment due to falling on the simulator of wear cycles and check the residual cutting capacity on the cutting simulator. Justify the coefficient of acceleration of tests as a derivative of hardness and density of the simulator, as well as the ratio of the energy of the fall of the knife fragment on the stand and its rotational motion in the field. Statistical analysis of experimental data was performed by analysis of variance and interpreted by standard computer programs Excel in the form of graphs. Results. Analyzing the proposed method for determining the intensity of loss of cutting ability of the knife when it falls on the simulator of plant debris allowed to rank different models and establish their relative resource. Unhardened models of both 45 and 30MnB5 Steel provide low life and their residual cutting ability is only 15-25% compared to hardened models. Analyzing the research results, the hardened model of a knife made of 45 Steel withstands 4 times more load cycles compared to unhardened models, but is inferior to the hardened model of Steel 30MnB5 (borista), which has the highest resource. Even after 150 load cycles (in terms of the work of a roller with a width of 12.5 m - operating time of more than 1000 ha), it retains more than 55% of the initial cutting ability, which is characterized by low intensity of its loss. Conclusions. According to the tests of the intensity of loss of cutting ability of knives, the most acceptable option for the equipment of roller-shredders is a hardened model made of 30MnB5 Steel (borista), which has the highest resource.


  • analyze the design features and parameters of grinding knives to compare the intensity of loss of cutting ability

  • each of the models of knives depending on the load cycles

  • out bench accelerated tests based on the cyclic impact load of the knife fragment

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Technical and technological aspects of development and testing of new machinery
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