
The article analyzes the cognitive resilience constructs as the coping behavior effectiveness personal founda-tions under repeated military stages of social development conditions. The results of empirical study of young people coping behavior because of difficult life situation (DLS) with the maximum threat to life specifically mili-tary are presented. They show young people high level awareness of cognitive constructs with personal re-sponsibility for overcoming characteristics, behavior high self-control, expressed difficulties resistance and a preferred difficulties collective coping strategy. The specificity of psychological interpretation of cognitive con-structs associated with the awareness of the procedural nature of resilience (typification and stage-by-stage formation) up to the formation of the resilient skill of instant self-organization in situations of repeated military threat to life is determined. The psychological aspect of the characteristic personal property of Ossetians – “nyfs” (in Ossetian – “spirit, courage, determination”), which integrates outstanding qualities of a defender of the Fatherland – determination, courage, nobility, sacrifice, as a determining basis for the development of a strate-gy of ethnically conditioned coping behavior, is considered. It reflects the coping behavior stability and is a bearer of the Ossetians previous generations overcoming experience. Program measures for the education, prevention and correction of the young people resilience who have to socialize in the post-war social develop-ment period are proposed.

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