
Introduction. In Russia, the integrated development of eco-tourism in protected areas is part of the strategic agenda. This paper attempts to examine whether the strategic agenda is expressed in the actual creation of conditions for ecotourism development in a particular national park (using Zabaikalsky National Park as an example). Materials and methods. Institutional, comparative-geographical, comparative-historical, statistical, cartographic methods were used in the study. Documents and materials of the Zabaikalsky National Park, expeditionary research data, GPS track data, information based on photo sharing services posted in the social network VK were used as an information database. Results. It was determined that the integrated development of ecotourism in protected areas in Russia entails a range of key measures encompassing legislative, regulatory, investment, organizational, economic, and informational aspects. The analytical framework for the study was developed, allowing to identify the current state, directions and prospects of the activities of the Zabaikalsky National Park in creating conditions for the development of ecotourism. Discussion. The identified changes in the functioning of the Zabaikalsky National Park demonstrate that ecotourism, as an environmentally acceptable form of economic activity in protected areas, is being successfully developed here on the basis of an integrated approach and using the relevant experience of the park. However, the park faces challenges in attracting private investment, ensuring infrastructure development and staffing, as well as monitoring recreational impacts. Conclusion. The research findings indicate that, in general, the Zabaikalsky National Park can serve as a specific example of successful implementation of contemporary ecotourism policies in protected areas. Resume. Our study shows that the process of involving Russian PAs in the development of ecotourism is a long-term process that requires additional research to summarize best practices and improve the quality of management of ecotourism projects in PAs. The results of this study can be useful in designing a set of measures for the development of ecotourism in protected areas of various categories. Summary. In this paper we present the results of studies of the integrated development of ecological tourism in protected areas in Russia as part of the implementation of state policy for promoting ecotourism development, using the Zabaikalsky National Park (ZNT) as an example. It has been established that the ecotourism development brings significant changes to the functioning of PAs. The key directions of the Russian approach to the integrated development of ecotourism in PAs are identified, including measures of legislative, regulatory, investment, organizational, economic, and informational nature. It’s shown that the dynamics of transformational changes in the Zabaikalsky National Park related to the creation of conditions for the ecotourism development, in terms of improving management, functional zoning, developing conceptual and design solutions, infrastructure development, financing, involving the local population, promoting the ecotourism product, confirms the modern vector of ecotourism development in PAs in Russia. The research findings indicate that, in general, the Zabaikalsky National Park can serve as a specific example of successful implementation of contemporary ecotourism policies in protected areas. However, the park has a weak position in terms of attracting private investment, providing infrastructure and personnel, and monitoring recreational impact. The results of this study can be useful in designing a set of measures for the development of ecotourism in protected areas of various categories.

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