
The main goal of the work is to delineate innovative perspectives in the theoretical and empirical study of the personality, its integrity, systemic nature, dynamism, rhythmology, interdisciplinarity and the wide use of this knowledge for the creation of high-intellectual information health-saving technologies and computer systems. Extensive analysis of the structure of the personality in modern personology; functional states of the body; biosocial culture of human, car­rying in itself a powerful arsenal of means of self-knowledge, intro­spection, self-management; computeri­zation of interdisciplinary research for the improvement of the formula for managing the properties and state of a person pointed to the need for further systematization, unification of biosocial knowledge of various aspects of a person in the theoretical plan. To support socio-psychophy­siological (SPF) research, the authors developed a holistic-oriented modern information technology (methodo­logical, methodical and software) and implemented the systems ASMIL, COMFORT, COLOR, EFFECT, DESIGNER. A significant emphasis is placed on the consideration of innovative computer technology for the intellectualization of the field "Family Medicine", which gives an idea of the whole family's SPF image and its adequate adaptation. The development of a user-friendly EL interface from the standpoint of knowledge of the user's biosocial culture and its individual adaptation information space (IAIS) is the development of a new technology for optimizing the HC interaction, a powerful reserve for the development of information systems and health-saving technologies. Today it is an important component of successful economic and cultural development of teams of various ranks: the individual, the family, the school, the country, the world community. Problems in programming 2017; 3: 172-193

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