
Intensive innovative development of information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT) is accompanied by other processes. This is the formation and development of basic and subject-oriented levels of IC-competence in combination with the continuous personal and professional development of modern man in general and teachers in particular. In the conducted research this problem is solved with application of bi-directionality. In the theoretical context, bi-directionality is manifested in the understanding of personal-professional development as the initial stage of personal and professional self-development. In the practical context, bi-directionality is the process of using ICT-support for other processes (cognition by teachers of the essence of the phenomenon of «personal-professional development», development of their IC-competence, development of readiness to solve pedagogical problems using ICT). ICT-support of the researched processes is covered on the website of the project «Potential of SR» in the section «Pages of personal-professional development». The content of the section contains the work of scientists and practical IC-achievements of teachers, which certify the progress made in their own personal and professional development. The pedagogical experiment included a number of measures. Elaboration of the legal framework on the research problem, elaboration of relevant scientific developments, practical research of the problem with the use of ICT. Elaboration of information blocks «Directions of personal development» and «Directions of personal and professional development», use of content for the development of basic and subject-oriented levels of IC-competence of teachers. The implementation of FIN-modeling (author is V. Savosh) as of a modern means of combining formal (F), informal (I) and non-formal (H) of education to study a particular topic. Experimental work has shown that the bi-directionality of the theory and practice of using ICT support has significant potential both for educating teachers about the essence of the phenomenon of «personal-professional development» and for the development of their IC-competence.

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