
The results of research degree of predominate phenotypical display of indicates resistance to leaf rust at hybrid populations F2 of wheat soft winter in the field conditions by artificial inoculation an exciter are indicated. The conformity with actual obtaining data according to decomposition in theory expected is defined by the criterion of accordance a chi-square. The resistance to leaf rust inherits as predominate so recession indicate are defined by results of researches 39 hybrid population of second generation. The donors have different genes of resistance to leaf rust are defined in research. The resistance controls two recession genes at a donor Тх91 v 4511, by one recession gene – at Тх92 v 4511, and one dominant gene – at НВЕ 0303 156 and НВЕ 0425-156. The samples НВЕ 0140-119 and НВЕ 208-120 have common (identical) genes. The genes of resistance are independent of known effective one for all donors of this sign. The presence new donors of resistance are giving possibility to fill up the bank of genes resistance to this disease and on their basis create the new heterogeneous varieties of wheat soft winter.

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