
The population of the Russian Federation has a multi-ethnic structure, which includes over 180 large ethnicities and numerous smaller ethnic groups. One of the most important conditions for long-term development of a multicultural society is peaceful coexistence of ethnic groups and their representatives. This determines the need for and the importance of cultural expression of ethnic tolerance among all peoples of Russia, thus making the scientific study of the problem of tolerance. The article is devoted to the description and analysis of ethno-national relations and public policy in this area. Russia’s legislation in the field of regulating interethnic relations has developed to include significant innovations. Among the documents adopted and implemented are the Strategy of State Ethnic Policy in the Russian Federation until 2025 (and its action plan for the years 2013–2015), the Federal target program “Strengthening the Unity of the Russian Nation and the Ethnic and Cultural Development of the Peoples of Russia (2014–2020)” and others. These documents have laid the corner stone for the contemporary ethnic and national policies aimed at achieving long-term results. At the same time they suffer from fragmentation and are in need of coordinating their main objectives, directions and most efficient methods and mechanisms of implementation. The article presents the results of a sociological study “Peculiarities of Ethnic Tolerance in Mono- and Polyethnic Regions of Russia” carried out by the authors in January — October 2014 in Yaroslavl and Vologda Oblasts, as well as in the Republic of Dagestan. To solve the current problems in the sphere of interethnic relations, we need to improve the fundamental provisions of legal acts covering and guiding the state ethnic policy of the Russian Federation. Also required is profound analysis of the key indicators of how well the regional and municipal legislations of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation comply with the main legal provisions at the federal level. Promotion of cultural heritage and other suchlike programs can also be of use.

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