
The article is devoted to the study of the growing trends in the quality of the environment in the regions, in the pursuit of trends in the development of the "green economy" in the Russian Federation. The author studied the issue of the prospects for solving environmental problems within the framework of state documents developed in the field of developing solutions to environmental problems in the country's economy and the economy of the regions for sustainable development. The way to activate these processes will be environmental innovations. The author put forward a controversial assumption about the possibility of interaction between human capital and environmental innovations in a regional context, highlighted the prerequisites for creating eco-innovations at the regional level, determined the target group (youth) for the prospects of researching environmental-oriented behavior to stimulate the economically innovative sustainable development of the region. Research was carried out in the form of surveys of this target category, priority directions for the application of the development of environmentally friendly activities of youth were identified in the form of participation in public organizations, environmental festivals, the use of mobile applications for environmental public control. Under the influence of these tools, human capital acquires new qualities: the growth of social environmental responsibility and environmental culture in the region. This trend will also be a sign of the emergence of a civil society.

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