
Abstract. High-quality fire training of law enforcement officers who perform their duties, often in difficult, extreme conditions, is the main guarantee of their professional success, value and efficiency of service. Excellent results of the work performed, which are related to shooting, and, directly, the training process itself (fire training) depend on many factors. Of particular importance among them, undoubtedly, is the emotional state of the shooter, his psychological mood, as well as the state of health, physical indicators, the degree of endurance. The purpose of the study is to study the psychophysiological characteristics that characterize the readiness and effectiveness of the ability to act in extreme situations, depending on the degree of intensity of combat training (shooting training). Materials and methods: Employees of the special purpose unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation were examined. Depending on the intensity of fire training, 2 groups were identified, among which the study of the directed effects of some exercises on the psychological and psychophysiological properties of the fighter was carried out. The following indices were used for evaluation: functional changes, readiness for emergency action, overall effectiveness, as well as tests "Spatial extrapolation", "Factor personality questionnaire" and "Volitional self-control". The results of the study: psychophysiological indicators characterizing the degree of readiness to respond quickly to changing conditions and, accordingly, the effectiveness of the work of law enforcement officers showed their more "qualitative" condition in the group of shooters leading an intensive training process. At the same time, the excessive development of self-control among these individuals is accompanied by high internal tension and the risk of developing an anxiety syndrome. It is recommended to use these methods to assess the psychophysiological state of law enforcement officers.

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