
The object of the study is such an integral part of the professional service and physical training of employees of internal affairs bodies as fire training. The main purpose of fire training classes is to teach a police officer the skillful use of weapons, the conduct of accurate fire and its lawful use. To do this, it is necessary to "... create an official basic methodology of fire training for law enforcement officers using existing experience in the use of weapons" and highlight the role of the teacher in its implementation. Currently, everyone in various educational organizations uses a methodology based on the professional experience of teachers. The main conclusion can be considered that the educational goals of fire training classes are achieved, including the pedagogical work of teachers in the classroom. These classes should be conducted systematically, consistently and comprehensively. Theoretical classes should be fixed in practical classes. The material part of the weapon should be closely linked to the study of the basics and rules of shooting. The studied topics should be associated with new educational material, work with weapons – with its use, etc. In the classroom, teachers need not only to manage the learning process in the group, but also to implement an individual approach to each listener. Such work of teachers will contribute to the most effective training of employees in the lawful and effective use of weapons.

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