
This article describes the essence and structure of the reflexive-perspective component of the readiness of future PhD’s for the research and innovation activity. It has been shown, that this component can be implemented into four aspects: intellectual and personal in relation to individual activities, as well as communicative and corporate in relation to collective activities. This means that in the process of conducting research and innovation activitiy, which tends to occur in new, uncertain conditions and accompanied by the emergence of non-standard situations, etc., the PhD needs a creative rethinking of his mental state and his behavior, judgments, actions (personality aspect), understanding of how it is perceived by students, colleagues, partners, administration; as well as awareness of the motives, goals, actions of the people with whom he cooperates (the communicative aspect); the need for analysis, planning and coordination of joint actions with other actors (corporate aspect), comprehension and rethinking of the essence and content of its research and innovation activity, its priority goals and tasks, decision-making on its reorganization (intellectual aspect). As a result, he has to perform the following functions: “I am a controller”, “I am a communicator”, “I am a coordinator”, “I am a professional”. Thus, the reflexive-perspective component of readiness of future doctor of philosophy for the research and innovation activity involves the understanding of itself as a subject of activity, its features, abilities, actions and how it is perceived by others; rethinking the goals, process and results of its activities, correcting errors and finding ways to improve it; an idea of the inner world of other people and an analysis of the causes of their actions; awareness of the process of joint activities of participants in the collective process and the adoption of appropriate decisions for its coordination and successful implementation, as well as the desire for continuous self-improvement and professional growth.

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