
This article is devoted to the analysis of one of the most relevant areas of development of the agricultural sector in Ukraine – organic agricultural production. The mechanism of support and encouragement of the domestic producer has been studied. An important aspect is the legislative regulation of organic farming, its problems and prospects based on the experience of other states, as well as the possibility of implementation at the state level. The impetus for changing the vector of the state producer in favor of organic production was the Agreement on Association between Ukraine and the European Union dated June 27, 2014 No. 984_011, which provides for cooperation between the Parties in various areas, including the field of agriculture and the development of rural areas. It is indisputable that the lack of proper state support and the lack of sufficient stimulation of the agricultural producer when switching to the production of ecologically clean products becomes an obstacle for the development of this industry, so the question arises about the need to attract international donors, consolidation of state and regional programs. In general, the agrarian policy of Ukraine has potential and is taking gradual steps to popularize and encourage producers to switch to organic product production. The article provides data on the current state of state and regional policy to support organic production in Ukraine, analyzes measures to stimulate the development of organic production, and their regulatory regulation. It was concluded that, as of now, there is no possibility to systematically provide the appropriate level of state support at the expense of the state budget. Therefore, in matters of protectionism of organic production, the resources of the state and local budgets should be combined within the limits of the adopted regional programs and the attraction of grant funds.

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