
This article discusses the problem of methods for the formation of spiritual orientations of modern student youth in the classes of the cycle of general education disciplines (GED), in particular philosophy. The authors single out some methods for the formation of moral guidelines for medical students since the task of covering all forms of activating the cognitive activity of students is not set. Particular attention is paid to the study of the philosophy of Abai, through active forms of learning. The study results as an analysis of feedback questionnaires indicate that students for the most part consider it important to study in the humanities and note the importance of philosophy in the profession of a doctor. Philosophy in medical school has its own characteristics. Students in the classroom comprehend their purpose and life meaning, learn to work in a team, defend their positions with arguments, thereby forming the skills of clinical thinking. As a result, it is concluded that the study of the heritage of great thinkers forms an active life position, the desire to make the world a better place promotes self-improvement, constant personal and professional growth, develops a sense of national dignity and pride in one’s people. The process of forming the spiritual and moral culture of a future healthcare specialist is important in the process of obtaining a future profession. It is rather difficult to determine the criteria for the spiritual potential of a student’s personality and to trace their development. The authors conclude that the higher the spiritual and moral culture of a future specialist in the field of healthcare, the higher his demand, social significance for society, and the study of the heritage of great thinkers can help a student in his spiritual improvement.

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