
In the grape assortment of the industrial viticul-ture zone of Russia, there are few seedless varie-ties suitable for growing in an uncovered crop and obtaining marketable fresh and dried grapes, high-quality wine. Biologically and technologi-cally plastic seedless grape varieties that produce high-quality products are in great demand by production and consumers. The article discusses the agrobiological characteristics of seedless grape varieties bred in All-Russian Research Ya.I. Potapenko Institute for Viticulture and Winemaking, obtained as a result of interspecific crosses: Zolotse, Kivin, Cocktail, Pamyati Smir-nova, Shayan, Elf and Yarushka. Among these varieties according to the results of the study, the most winter-hardy ones were identified − Yarushka and Elf. Varieties of Pamyati Smirno-va, Cocktail, Zolotse are identified as sources of resistance to fungal diseases. High rates of seed-lessness (II and III categories) had the varieties: Kivin, Yarushka and Cocktail. The conducted studies allow us to recommend varieties for fresh consumption: Zolotse, Kivin, Pamyati Smirnova, Yarushka; for production of dried products: Zolotse, Kivin, Cocktail, Elf and Yarushka; for wine production all except of Pamyati Smirno-va. They all are recommended for cultivation in the 6th region (North Caucasus) without winter covering.

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