
The article presents the study of Sidor Vorobkevych educational activities in the multicultural environment of Austrian Bukovina. Under such conditions, study of the creativity and activity of such a multidimensional and multicultural personality as Sidor Vorobkevich is especially topical. After all, he lived and worked at such time and territory when the agreement was reached between people of different ethnic groups, different cultures, values, religion. Conducted parallel with the modern tasks of education and society development and proposed their solution on the example of S. Vorobkevich's activities, such as modern historians consider Austrian Bukovina like a kind of prototype of the European Union. In Soviet times, his name and works were either completely ignored or interpreted pre-conceived. It was inadmissible that he had a sacerdotal rite and teaching in theological seminary and theological faculty of Chernivtsy University, what contradicts to communists ideology. His pedagogical work started in theological seminary, real school, gymnasium and dascalia (deacon school) in Chernivtsi, where he had up to 40 training hours per week. Having entered the post of teacher of music and singing of the theological seminary, S. Vorobkevich encountered a number of problems that required an urgent solution like absence of any teaching and methodological base – textbooks on musical literacy and solfeggio, didactic instructions for teaching singing, a collection of songs for the school repertoire. The young teacher starts solving the situation on his own. He had to create everything in the process of work. Slowly he wrote plenty of manuals for studying music and languages (he wrote in Ukrainian, Romanian, German). His manuals were used not only in Bukovina and in Ukraine, but also far beyond its borders. In the article we conduct the parallel with the image of modern teacher – tolerant, creative, developed, multidimensional person, as teacher should be.

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