
The purpose of the article is to analyze the main international legal acts of the UN and UNESCO and to implement their norms in the legislation of Ukraine in the context of contemporary challenges and threats to the national cultural heritage. Methodology is a system of theoretical principles (systematicity, historicism, objectivity, etc.), logical techniques (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy, hypothesis, etc.) and specific research tools that have made it possible to fully disclose the process of implementation of international law into the legislation of Ukraine in the context of contemporary challenges and threats to the national cultural heritage. The scientific novelty of the article is to analyze the international legal norms of the UN and UNESCO on protection of cultural values and conformity of national legislation of Ukraine with these norms, as well as those challenges and threats that Ukraine and its cultural values face after the occupation of Crimea by Russia and the beginning of the armed conflict in the Donbass. Conclusions. Ukraine actively cooperates with the UN and UNESCO in the field of the protection of cultural property and is a party to major international conventions adopted by these organizations. Thanks to the application of these norms, only in the last few years have been managed to recover some of the objects of cultural heritage stolen from the Ukrainian museums, as well as to return such objects discovered by Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, to the state-owners. Due to international law, Ukraine is also pursuing lawsuits to return to our country cultural values that were exported abroad from Crimea until 2014, counteracting the attempts of the Russian Federation to seize cultural heritage in occupied Crimea and the like. At the same time, Ukrainian legislation needs further changes in connection with the development of international cultural heritage law and in order to counteract the destruction, theft and destruction of cultural heritage sites in occupied Crimea and the armed conflict zone in the Donbass. Keywords: UN; UNESCO; Ukraine; international law; convention; legislation; cultural heritage.

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