
Introduction. Introductory part of this paper considers the actuality and importance of taking into account the requirements for fire safety (FS) at the production facilities of the fuel and energy complex (FEC) in the working process. The process of development of virtual twins of these objects should include planning of FS measures considering the requirements for information security (IS). There are noted the necessity of definition of strategic goals in such modeling. Authors propose strategic planning apparatus to improve the quality of created virtual prototypes. This kind of planning allows to take into account the many risks identified by the expert group. The objective of scientific research is to obtain a model by which it is possible to assess the features of the provision of FSand IS. Methodology. The strategic goal associated with the performance of the production functions of the FEC facility, on which profit depends, is defined. To simplify the model dangerous factors were distributed into independent categories: risks of negative consequences connected with FSand IS, environmental pollution and process stoppage due to external inspections. The output of the expert and calculated values is presented for each category. Expert evaluations can be obtained using inverse symmetric pairwise comparison matrices and calculated evaluations using category grading on the damage scale. The probability function correlates with each part of the FEC facility. The negative impact of the dangerous factors is calculated that way. Results. It is possible to obtain a matrix of distribution of influence of dangerous factors using the probability function selected in the study. The above procedure is used for the second and third levels of the hierarchy of influence. The second level includes factors, the third —measures to prevent the influence of dangerous factors. The final result is obtaining the distribution of the impact of activities on the parts of the FEC facility. Conclusion. Finally, it was noted advantages of digital twin technology in planning FS of facilities of the FEC. The use of strategic planning allows to develop a digital twin model, taking into account the impactof activities on the achievement of the objectives of ensuring of FS and IS.


  • Introductory part of this paper considers the actuality and importance of taking into account the requirements for fire safety (FS) at the production facilities of the fuel and energy complex (FEC) in the working process

  • Çíà÷åíèå âëèÿíèÿ Impact value ïîëó÷åííîå ïðè ýêñïåðòíîé îöåíêå èòîãîâîå obtained by expert final evaluation m1

  • Information about the authorsAndrey Yu. STROGONOV, Postgraduate Student of Department of Automation of Technological Processes, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation; ORCID: 0000-0001-7994-5987 Kieu Tuan Anh, Employee of Research Organization Office, Institute of Fire Safety, Vietnam Ministry of Public Security, Hanoi, Vietnam; Adjunct of Department of Information Technology, State Fire Academy of Emercom of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation; ORCID: 0000-0001-8770-8543

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