
The article is devoted to the formation of propositions about establishing a digital ombudsman`s institution as a mechanism for effective realization of human information and digital rights. It is emphasized that many cases of violations of human information and digital rights are in practice in modern conditions. In this regard it is necessity to improve the institution mechanism of human information and digital rights providing for safely human`s being in digital and information environments. Author vision of human digital and information rights as interrelated and interdepended human rights categories which define human activity in digital and information environments and provide for several related human rights in any sphere of activity is formed, propositions about establishment of the digital ombudsman`s institution are also proved. This idea was supported by many respondents conducted by an author’s poll. Digital ombudsman`s powers will be included: 1) accepting applications from citizens about human digital and information rights violations; 2) sending citizen`s applications to authorized bodies (if necessary); 3) writing year`s reports about facts human digital and information rights violations and results of elimination of indicated disadvantages; 4) increasing level of digital and information citizen`s knowledge; 5) organization events of legal education for Ukrainian citizens in spheres of digital and information rights; 6) control, coordination and development recommendations of improvement activity of subjects who provide digital and information security of Ukraine; 7) making nationality law base in spheres of digital and information rights according to international standards; 8) developing international cooperation in spheres of human digital and information rights. Kew words: information security, information, information environment, human information rights, human digital rights, digital technologies, digitalization.

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