
The article examines the issue of information security as a state of protection of the vital interests of a person, society and the state, in which damage should be prevented due to: incompleteness, untimeliness and implausibility of the information used. The current situation in Ukraine, in particular the war with Russia, deepens the understanding of the urgency of the need to build an effective system to ensure the protection of the Ukrainian information space, in particular the Internet. In order to ensure information security, normative acts regulating the main issues were adopted, in particular the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated December 29, 2016 "On the Information Security Doctrine of Ukraine", as well as the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated March 18, 2022 "Regarding the implementation of a unified information policy in the conditions of martial law." However, informational threats on the Internet are a very dynamic phenomenon that requires constant response and improvement of the legal regulation of their submission The Internet affects information security both positively and negatively. On the one hand - full access to all information, with the possibility of further filtering, checking, and determining for yourself which sources can be trusted and which should not, on the other hand - the ease of promoting hostile narratives, due to the insufficiency, and in some cases, the impossibility of control. The Internet network affects information security both positively and negatively, on the one hand, full access to all information, with the possibility of further filtering, checking, and determining for yourself which sources can be trusted and which should not, on the other hand, the ease of promoting hostile narratives, through the lack of control, as well as the ease due to ignorance to fall into the wrong tags, for example, those people who use the Internet in Russian will have mainly pro-Moscow news in their feed, and without knowledge of both languages it is very easy to fall under the influence of propaganda. The ways of negative influence used by the enemy in the information environment of the Internet have been studied. The essential priority directions necessary to counteract large-scale information threats on the Internet, the enemy's information warfare operations, are outlined. An important conclusion is the need to increase the level of information literacy of the population of Ukraine in order to overcome information threats on the Internet.

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