
Imām Ibn Abī Shaibah belongs to the 2nd/3rd century AH. He attained a high position in the science of ḥadīth. He not only taught Ḥadīth but also preserved it in writing for the ūmmah in various forms..In the Ḥadith the terms of Taḥmmul O Ādīy ḥadīth are very wide and universal. The authenticity and weakness of the ḥadīths of the Prophetﷺcan be well assessed in the light of There are eight (8) words of Taḥmmul O Ādīy ḥadīth among the narrators, all of which are mentioned in the writings of Imām Ibn Abī Shaibah. These include the terms "اخبرنا" and "حدثنا". Which are the highest in the level of tolerance and payment. In Imām Ibn Abī Shaibah’s collections of ḥadīth, he has used the most phrases. In addition, the terms “سماع, قرأت, کتابت, مناولت ,اجازت,اعلام,وجادت” are also present in the books of Imām Ibn Abī Shaibah. In this article, a research review has been presented in the light of the books of Imām Ibn Abī Shaibah by presenting the methods of the terms of Taḥmmul O Ādīy ḥadīth in this paper with evidences and precedents.And According to Imām Ibn Abī Shaibah, what are the terms of Taḥmmul O Ādīy ḥadīth and what is their nature? In this research article According to Imam Ibn Abi Shaybah, the terms of Taḥmmul O Ādīy ḥadīth has been reviewed in an analytical and inferential view.

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