
The Divine religions and teachings of God's messengers have always explained true role of women in the world creation. Meanwhile, Islam and its transcendental culture cared human rights of women more than all schools and enshrined in all dimensions of life according to their capabilities and needs. Unfortunately, today, it has been accused of ignoring women's rights. However, with the brief explanation of the status of women in human history, the importance of Islam which have posed for women to be recognized. About the character of the holy women of Islam, virtue and perfection has been quoted in a variety of circumstances and their traditions. Quran mentioned some merit women are termed such as: Sareh (wife of Ibrahim (AS)), Mary (SA)( mother of Jesus), Pharaoh's wife (Asiah). In some Ahadith of the Prophet (PBUH), master of women in the paradise (and in other Ahadith, world) are four: Mary (mother of Jesus), Asia (wife of Pharaoh), Khadija and Fatima. And the most perfect one is Fatima. These Contents in the teaching of Islam itself indicate possibility of growth and excellence in female personalities to the top of humanity virtues. Since Islam has deep attention to the stability of family foundation, has always considered the growth and transcendence of women in all aspects with its teachings and laws. So that women in addition to the natural and innate tasks, not only as mother, sister or wife share as partner in men's scientific services but also deal with learning and teaching of sciences and participate in community services. Research and evaluation in Islamic civilization indicates that women in some periods of the Islamic history have been able to achieve great status in various fields. In the early Islamic period, in the age of Omayyad, moral values got weak and the face of Islamic government changed and due to this unfavorable situation, dignity and magnitude of women fell down and men and women communication stood at guile and cunning and hatred instead of truth and sincerity, and since men suspected to women, kept them at home and prohibited from participating in society, abuse of women began gradually and introduced poems and stories of the guile and cunning of women. (Zidan) The tendencies of Omayyad's period continued in Abbasid rules with gradual evolution. With formation of Islamic civilization of the second century (AH) Throughout the Muslim lands had witnessed prosperity of science and literature development and growth of many scientists and scholars. One of the great and remarkable achievements of Islamic civilization is the participation of women in various and multiple dimensions. So that existence of scholar women can be considered as one of the most important component of development. There have been so many women scientists in some cities such as Bukhara, Nayshabur, Shiraz, Isfahan, Samarqand Toos, Andalusia Balkh and Marv, who were experts and scholars of their eras. In many conquered cities by Muslims in the early centuries before the arrival of Islam, the women did not enjoy of their prestige and dignities, but the teachings of Quran and Islam's rich and unique culture gave them better position Certainly, the way of prevailing thinking in these societies are also important and effective on this downturn or speed and sometimes these impacts has had ups and downs. This article tries to review the present status of women in Islamic history, the efforts of science, art and mysticism of the early centuries to the sixth century AH. In the works of historians and researchers such as Belazori(2-3 centuries AH), Yaaghubi (3rd century AH) Samaani (506-562 AH) Ibn Asaker (499-571 AH) and Khatib Baghdadi, along scholar men names, some women with high position have been mentioned. Also, in many books such as the Aalam Alnesa, by Omar R. Kahhalah, Riyahin Alshariah, written by Sheikh Zabihollah Mahallati, the Alnesa’ Almomenat, by Hassoun, many women have been introduced during the fourteen centuries of Islamic history.

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