
The transition from a linear water use model to a circular economy (CE) is an urgent task in the context of growing freshwater shortages, pollution of natural water bodies and climate change. It is important to integrate «grey» (engineered) infrastructure with «green» (in particular, with nature-based solutions) infrastructure, which will connect water systems managed by humans and nature. Addressing these issues requires developing approaches to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the economic impact of CE in the water sector from a systems perspective, to develop a circular policy. The object of study are linear and circular models of water resources (WR) management. The subject of the study is the prospects for the transition to integrated WR management, considering alternative types of water supply, supported by assessments. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the relevance of the transition to integrated WR management, including solutions aimed at the transition to closed circular cycle water systems; consideration of circular strategies inherent in WR; review of approaches for assessing circular solutions in the water sector. The authors proceed from the following: the generally accepted definition of a CE in the water sector is one of the decisive factors for the successful transition to circular systems; the concept of a CE appears to be one of the key approaches to achieving sustainable development of the water sector; nature-based solutions are seen as an important tool for environmental conservation, providing additional benefits (improving urban microclimate, water quality, preserving biodiversity, reducing the impact of anthropogenic factors on water bodies); integration impact assessment approaches for CE in the water sector contributes to comprehensive assessment of circular solutions. Conclusions: integrated water resources management must consider alternative water supplies; systemic changes caused by the transition to a CE in the water sector should be given priority attention, giving preference to solutions integrating traditional and «green» infrastructure; the transition to CE requires the development of approaches (with the ability to adapt and scale them to specific conditions) for the economic assessment of the systemic impact of circular water systems. The study is aimed at researchers and decision makers in the field of WR management. The conclusions drawn can be used in developing strategies for the development of water management and making decisions at various levels. A systematic literature review methodology was used, based on tracking keywords in articles posted in scientific electronic libraries; scientometric analysis; analytical and logical methods for process analysis in the context of CE and water management.

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