The article shows that autism is adevelopmental disorder of the child thatpersists for life. However, thanks totimely diagnosis and early correctiveassistance, much can be achieved: toadapt the child to life in society; teachhim to cope with his fears; controlemotions. The problem of autism iscaused not only by the high frequencyof this developmental pathology, butalso by a significant percentage ofchildren with disabilities. It has beendetermined that the reason for this is thelack of timely comprehensive medical,psychological and pedagogicalassistance to children with autism andinsufficient socio-pedagogical impact onthe microenvironment in which they findthemselves. All of the above requiresthe use of modern methods ofpsychological correction andcounseling, the latest recommendationsand a large number of qualifiedspecialists and experts. The creation ofsuch an environment, which consists ofpsychological and pedagogicalconditions, means of correction, thecontent of programs individuallyoriented to the child, the competence ofstaff, is the key to effective upbringingand education of children with aspectrum of autistic disorders. In thisregard, we consider it appropriate toanalyze and propose individualmethods of psychological correction ofautism spectrum disorder in children.Speech and communicationimpairments in general are among themain diagnostic criteria for autismspectrum disorder (ASD). Theseproblems are becoming a significantobstacle to the socialization of thiscategory of children. There is a violationof the perception of not only verbalspeech, but also non-verbal stimuli(facial expressions, gestures,intonation). Therefore, to facilitate theprocess of communication with a child,they use means of alternativecommunication, in the process ofapplying which most concepts arevisualized using pictograms, drawings,symbols, photographs, real objects.Often, auxiliary communicationstimulates the development of verbalspeech in children, but in the generalnumber of cases, the alternativecommunication system is the only wayto establish social contact with a childwith ASD.
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