
Abstract . In many languages, internationalisms are identified by form and serve as transferable equivalents of each other. Being widely used in scientific, social and political spheres, they actively replenish various professional terminologies and serve as elements of terms formation. As a result of interlingual interaction, new terms appear. This is due to the development of science, technology, culture, society in general and related to social preconditions. The aim of the study: to analyze the semantic field of terms used in the inventory of green plantings, as well as to find out the ways these terms were borrowed into modern Ukrainian language. Study materials and methods . The study is based on the use of general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis and comparison. The work was carried out within the project framework № 110/551-pr « The development of the newest principles for building up the register of valuable plants of parks and squares in Kyiv based on terminology standards » Discussion . By the origin, the terms of modern Ukrainian language, of which we dismember the final terminological element -ці/j/- / -аці/j/- , are Latin, but they got changed. However, regardless of the way they were formed, the Latin element -tio is used not only with the semantics « process » or « action » . It may be a part of other final terminological elements, i.e. to serve as a formant when creating derivative terms. Conclusion . Languages, being in a constant interaction, affect each other intensely. Accordingly, the subsystems of the language are in constant motion.

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